Weekly Spiritual Messages and Life Coaching for April 26th through May 3rd.

This week I am starting a new 15 minute podcast where you can listen to these messages from BlogTalk Radio replay or Itune downloads on the internet. These may become videos too! I will still have a bi monthly 60 minute radio show with guests. Also, note the new name, “Weekly Spiritual Messages and Life Coaching”!
Here is the link to listen to this week’s messages:



This week I was guided to use the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
For Monday and Tuesday: The Person You’re Asking About is Trustworthy: Thank you for helping me have faith so I can open my heart wider in my relationships. I am grateful for your protection, ensuring that only trustworthy people are in my life.
This refers to someone in your life and even yourself. You are trustworthy and the person you are considering a personal relationship or business is someone you can relax and allow for partnership. It is a time to let go of blaming others and give your anger or any unforgiveness to the angels for healing.

Here the key word is trust. If there is any need of releasing or clearing of lower energy in regards to this, now is the time to let go. The Universe is supporting your spiritual growth and expansion. There is a deeper and more powerful level of trust available for you now.



For Wednesday and Thursday: Believe and Trust: Before going to sleep tonight, say: “Archangel Michael, please enter my dreams and replace fear with faith and trust. Let me be filled with strength, courage and confidence.”
Here the key word is believe. Could you believe that a situation you are concerned with is healed and whole, right now? By allowing trust we see our faith grow stronger and many solutions open up for us as we allow new pathways.

Your trust enables your mind and body to relax which increases your creative energy and strength. Give all your worries to God and the angels. Using powerful angel healing techniques such as clearing and releasing lower energies on a daily basis sets the tone for us to be harmoniously balanced physically and spiritually.

In my one hour personal sessions I often conduct these energy healings as part of my angel card readings and life coaching sessions.


IMG_9412For the weekend we have the message, Decide to Be Happy Now: Thank you for helping me open my heart to happiness, joy, and bliss. I am now willing to see all of the goodness in my life.

The angels have heard your requests and are answering your prayers. Just like giving your order for food to a waiter in a restaurant you only have to make your request once and let go! And instead of waiting until the future to be happy you can actually choose it right now.

One way to do this is to focus on gratitude and what is already working well in your life. There are blessings and strengths that you have that you you can pause and acknowledge. By taking the time to acknowledge and enjoy all that is working you empower yourself.

We also have to know when to detach from drama of others and our own! Expect a miracle for no reason! Open your heart to love!

This week Archangel Michael guides us in living with grace and ease. Regarding trust, we are assured, yes, we can trust, ourselves and a particular person we are inquiring about. Can we firmly believe in what we are praying for and manifesting powerfully? By letting go of any unnecessary worry and fear, we allow trust. We can chose to be happy in this moment regardless of what happening around us. Ask and allow Archangel Michael to cut your cords of fear and worries completely. May you be filled with courage, confidence and strength living with grace and ease!


For more information on how to have a one hour session with me in person or by phone, Skype contact me at bcalvano-coaching@usa.net or 917-324-3726. You will receive guidance from the angels regarding a particular concern or issue you may have. Also, you will receive an overall picture what the angels want you to know with regards to all that’s happening in your life right now. We will teach you energy shielding and balancing techniques that allow you to stay focused, light and clear about each step you need to take to accomplish your goals in life.

Angel light and love, Barbara


Follow me at Facebook at Balvanocoaching, Twitter Bcalvanocoach
Bcalvanocoaching offers special programs of coaching sessions at a reduced rate. Spiritual intuitive guidance, angel messages, energy clearing and life coaching all to create the results in all areas of your life. I also provide group angel readings at parties and events.
If you’d like to book me to speak at your group or yoga studio contact me for more information at 917-324-3726 or bcalvano-coaching@usa.net




May 19th Westchester Holistic Network , White Plains, NY – Speaker
June 20th The Bodhi Tree in Sugarloaf, NY – Speaker and giving readings
July 26th Psychic Fair, Hotel Pennsylvania, NY- Giving readings
September 27th Awaken Fair, Fort Lee, New Jersey – Giving readings

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